Question: Which powers will benefit Iran-US dispute? This question shows that Iran is not a threat to America.

Iran is not a threat to the US The main threat is on the other side. 

William Morgan Shuster (February 4, Washington, May 5, New York) Lawyer, publisher, and financial expert from the United States who in the 6th (Qajar era) reformed the Treasury as a hut treasurer Recruitment from the Iranian government.

He joined the Cuban Customs Service in year 4. But he resigned in 2008 to go to the Philippines and serve as US customs broker. He became a member of the (American) Supreme Court of the Philippines in 2007. [2] In 2007, when the Iranian Secretary of State in the United States asked the government to nominate a financial expert for employment in the Iranian government to reform Iranian finances. Slowly, Schuster was introduced to the Iranian government at the suggestion of the US President William Howard Taft (who Schuster served in the Philippines under him).

Shuster's unpredictable behavior and his unwavering commitment to his duties made the Russian and British embassies in Iran pursuing their economic interests in the country pessimistic and unhappy with him. After Russia's ultimatum to the Iranian government over his removal and military threat, he was forced to abandon his mission in half and leave Iran at the beginning of the year.

Upon returning to the United States, he served as the Managing Director of Century Company from Century 2 to 1, and from 1 to 2 (retired) as Managing Director of Appleton-Century Crofts Inc. in New York Year 2 died. [